Friday, March 1, 2019

Mapping Black Europe

Mapping Black Europe
The Naked White Man in Europe

I found the above piece of art interesting.  Not only did it depict a white man,  but it depicts a naked white man.  I can only imagine the outrage if the photographer who was a black man, was in the reverse role here, would the local businesses and people be okay seeing a naked black man nude when their children and wives, even their sisters or mothers walked by?  This is a great question to ask and I think we know that the answer is that the police would probably be called even if it was a nude area for everyone.  I also noticed that the white man seems to have a small gentile and I'm not sure if the photographer is trying to show a relationship like this to the reader or not, but that mans gentiles almost look like woman and small frame.  I am not sure if this man is gay but it appears that they are feminizing him in the photo by showing his legs propped open and arms open and his body looks very weak like frame of a woman possibly, but I am not sure the exact thoughts of the artist here.   

The very first distinguished "Negro." 

This article clearly shows how race and stereotypes plays a part in everyday Europe, similar to America, but it could be worse.  The artist who is a black man is saying this is the first distinguished black person he has seen since his trip in Europe here.  I find it ironic because Whites in the other pictures are common to show wealth and prestige or to be in areas of prestige.  If you look in the back you can clearly see a private country club, or members only access for the elite players of this society.  Like this piece and others it clearly disrupts the notion of what it is like to be "European."  Our typical stereotype is that of Caucasian background.  Even myself when I say my nationality I say European to others, white, Caucasian. 


White Europeans Eat Watermelon too

I found this 3rd piece of art interesting.  The artist is a black photographer who is taking a picture of a white European male devouring watermelon.  Most of us know about the "black people love watermelon" stereotype.  I feel the artist is showing a good example of how stereotypes are not true here and that each person regardless of where they are don't have to look or act a certain way to share a trait or similarity in behaviors or what they like, or even socioeconomic status.

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