Luis Gonzalez
Acts of Resistance:
Activists, Interlopers and Pranksters
Professor Cacoilo
January 29, 2019
on the blog – Who do you think you are?
Hi everyone, as of today
I don’t have a specific role when it comes to the media consumption, but I do
often check the media for updates such as sports and news. Some of the media
applications that I use on a weekly basis are Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and
Facebook. When something major happens in the media I would usually get
notifications to my phone and that would get me to open the information being
and look more in debt about it. I would compare this matter similar to amber
alerts. In today’s generation, the media is a huge tool when it comes to
informing and modernizing.
One of the first
positive effects I can think of at the moment, is probably that mass media
keeps people informed of any recent events within a short amount of time. When,
for example, a politician is assassinated, you will hear this immediately, so
that you will know what is going on. Media keeps you informed. I believe that mass media has affected our
society both positively and negatively. It has programmed our thoughts, how we
dress and how we relate to one another. Certain images shown on television
influence kids to misbehave, disobeying parents under the impression that its
cool. Disobedience leads to destruction, that leads to teenage pregnancy, and
even drug abuse. On the other hand mass media can persuade young kids
positively, if you tune to programs that motivates positive force. Overall,
knowing that many things happen electronically and not so much paper, for
example Newspapers being the main source, we have an advantage to the
accessibility of the information.
Protesting has worked
many times throughout history. The biggest one that I can think of was the
anti-segregation movement. From small acts of individuals such as Rosa Parks
not moving on the bus to Martin Luther King and his movement toward a country
based on equality. Another notable protest was that against the Vietnam war. It
was a country wide protest which brought our country into the decade long
hippie movement. These are only 2 examples of a time when protesting changed
things on a grand scale. Time and time again people protesting on a smaller
level have done the same things. I would like to use Martin Luther King Jr as
an example of an activist of his time. The media tried to portray him in a
negative light prior to him gathering and rallying with people for equality. Martin Luther King was also a great man and his
efforts are appreciated and celebrated today because of his movement in
history. When Martin Luther king was shot and killed, the media included racial
terms on the biography of the local newspaper, saying things such as “angry
negros spill into streets in some cities in the country.” I believe that his
death was the foundation for our national holiday and the reason why we educate
our youth today about his willingness to believe in more than just blacks vs
whites. If I could go back in time, I would make sure that the media portrays
all of the good he did for everyone instead of continuing to compare his skin
complexion to his actions.

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