Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Intro on the blog

By Justin McHugh

My role in media consumption is I usually just read the news, and sometimes I may repost or make a comment on Facebook, but it is mostly based on my degree in Biology or my other degrees.  I signed up for twitter with the class now too so I will post more from degree content there.  Over the last 10 years a large part of mass media shared, including events, images, and stories played a role in our everyday lives.  With the internet being accessible on Wi-Fi and cellphone it has made it a lot easier for anyone from the elderly all the way down to the youth to access the internet, anywhere someone goes with their cellphone they have the internet, and everywhere they go they can be influenced by mass media.  Years ago, mass media through the internet was not as prevalent and social media was more looked at as a joke, or something weird to be participating on, but today it is the norm.  With the integration of mass media with social media events occurring in real-time can be monitored by private citizens or news sources, and can be accessed anywhere in the world, unlike 25 years ago when television was the primary source of mass media along with newspapers.  I know everyone knows what newspapers are, but many do not realize the significance the newspaper played in the past towards mass media, but now newspapers unless online editions, have little influence on mass populations. 

Figure 1: Media evolution

Today I have a tablet, 3 laptops, and 2 cellphones which all I can access the internet with a few pushes of buttons or a swipe of the screen.  As I mentioned, I don’t comment much on mass media, especially politics as it seems people can be more violent or argumentative over the internet or through social media.  In the past, I was posting a lot of mass media, but it caused issues in my life, so I backed off and tried to become a ghost.  I feel it is dangerous to always voice your true opinions online as you never know who is watching you or interacting with your posts. 
            When it comes to activists or protesters in most cases the news portrays them as rebels or rioters who destroy things.  In many cases governments lash out and these people who are standing up and arrest, harm, smash the protest or kill them, and in many cases the issue is not solved but rather the government tries to smear the protesters as anarchists or terrorists.  I simple search on google illustrates this.  I searched protesters and news and here is what came up on top:

           As I suspected the top results for protests entailed violence by the people, or rioting, and even government torturing of protestors.  I feel like the bad sides of the protests are always covered, not why they are there or asking more people in the protests what was so grave to make them rise up and come to the streets to stand up against the wrongs that are being done against them, but nevertheless it is usually just a government smear campaign on the protestors and sometimes the news joins in on this smear without even knowing what is going on.   A recent example of the news distorting mass media was at Lincoln Memorial in Washington.  There Catholic boys were accused of mocking a native American in clipped videos, however, later videos showed that most likely that was not what happened and that the videos were trimmed to incite the masses.  A version of the story can be found at: USA News: Catholic boys falsely accused of discrimination by mass media.  On a last note, I am Justin McHugh and I am looking forward to the semester with all of you.  

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