Semester Project Complaint
For my semester project, I decided to focus on women's physical and mental empowerment. As much as evolving societies would like for women and men to be equals on every level, that does not seem to be happening as progressively as it needs to. Given that it is the 21st century, Women around the world, in many aspects, are still considered to be inferior to men.
In a woman's personal life, they usually do not get treated with the amount of respect they deserve. The unwanted cat calling ,stalking and sexual and verbal assault of women is still prevalent today. As a woman, I have personally experienced all of these potentially traumatizing offenses from strange men I never even met before. These negative experiences are what inspired me to develop my self defense classes. These classes are an immediate and direct approach to help women combat some of these issues until society views us as equals. The main focus is teaching self defense but the underlying results are what will help these women. By learning how to physically help yourself, you will get more in touch with your body and it will create a sense of self confidence that the students can use in their everyday life.
The yes men are a little harder to connect to my project than the Guerrilla Girls but they are still very influential In the way they go about their projects. In the interventionists , the yes men talk about one of their projects, setting up a website to resemble the one for trades and tariffs site and trick people into looking at their webpage. That is actually very smart because you are targeting the people you want to target without forcing them into looking at your point and work . I appreciate an approach like that and in ways, that is how I hope my classes turn out. they come to learn sick moves but leave with the moves AND a new perspective on how amazing their bodies are and a new sense of confidence.
The Guerrilla girls are spot on with their advertisements and the way they approach their awareness issues. They highlight women in the art world and other issues that women deal with daily along with worldwide issues.
This for example is such a powerful piece they made to catch everyone' attention with such a blunt and heavy saying. This is one of the pieces that can connect to my project because even though this speaks to the carelessness of society when it comes to rape. When women start feeling physically in control of their bodies, the more they can control many of the harassment in their life. The classes I hold act as the same as the bluntness in the Guerrilla girls' posters because they will literally teach you how to manipulate any situation into your favor and get out as soon as possible.
I hope both the yes men and the Guerrilla girls influence my project and the outcomes of my students lives in the ways I described above.
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